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Atlas de la Ciencia Mexicana
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In this new digital edition of the Atlas of Mexican Science (ACM) we reiterate its original mission to become a reliable source of statistical information on Mexican activity in the fields of science and technology.  View.


The 2014 edition of the Atlas of Mexican Science (ACM) reflects the changing situation of scientific and technological activity developed in Mexico during the period 1900-2013. It includes reliable statistical information on the increase in the number of researchers, as well as their scientific production and impact measured in the databases of the international indices of mainstream journals [Web ofSclence, WoS) and the National System of Researchers (SNI).   View.

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Mexican Science in XX Century

We present the basic bibliometric indicators, corresponding to the participation of Mexico in the production of mainstream knowledge during the 20th century, divided according to the three main areas of knowledge used by the ISI-Thompson indexes (Science Citation Index (SCI) Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), grouped in the Web of Sciences: (I) exact and natural sciences (CEN), (II) social sciences (CS) and (III) humanities ( H).View.


Indicators by State

We include a new section with the indicators for each entity. The data on the research plant, as well as its production and impact on mainstream journals during the period 2000-2010 are covered.  View.


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